>>How Can You Use Apple Cider Vinegar?
Here in New England, there's a colonial era summertime drink called "Switchel" or "Haymaker's Punch".
It's cold water with ACV and molasses or cider syrup.
Works great post heavy exercise. I add some salt to mine (that sports drink had a good bit of salt as well). These days, I don't bother with any sweetener (blackstrap molasses does provide electrolytes, but it mixes into cold water poorly). It's fine either way.
Trivia: While on campaign, Roman Legionnaires drank water with vinegar mixed in (Pliny?). Wine vinegar, not ACV - but the same idea.
Also, if you're using ACV for cleaning, you want the stuff that doesn't have the 'mother' - but plain white or wine vinegar works fine.