>>Half the results on the first five screens of an Amazon search result are ads.
1) set your search engine to DuckDuckGo
2) In the address line, enter the search starting with "site:www.amazon.com " followed with what you're looking for
Both Bing and Google have image-based search. If you're buying something that might have a number of vendors, search on the main image on the page you've found. That'll bring up a number of apparently-exactly-the-same items.
Or, you know, search the entire web for what you want. If you're price sensitive, that could be more expensive. Decide on how much more you're willing to pay for it not being from Amazon. And you may find the same or better prices. For instance, I've switched all my vitamin purchases to iherb.com (comparable prices, about as fast, free shipping above a reasonable minimum).
Also, don't forget eBay.