Guy here. My experience - in the corporate world in particular - is that men and women *do*communicate differently around problem solving. Typically if one of my male direct reports came to me with a problem he was almost always looking for suggestions as to how to solve it. If it was someone female it could be either that - or she was already in process of solving it or had solved it and wanted to share what a PITA it was / had been. I learned pretty quickly not to just answer with a solution if it was someone female but to try to figure out what kind of response she was looking for. Being a guy (so oblivious to a lot of cues) I would just ask "Are we having a *guy* conversation?". If the answer was yes, then I'd tell her what approaches I thought might work. Otherwise, my job was to listen.
Hint to guys: do not assume that a woman mentioning a problem to you needs you to solve it / tell her how to solve it. She's probably got the kind of response she wants written all over her body language, but you're probably as oblivious as me.
I'm not sure how this might fit into the Mars v Venus thing - or not.