Great article!
FWIW, for anyone with an F-mount Nikon DSLR wanting to get into macro for low $$, check ebay or Keh for a Nikon 28-105 3.5-4.5 D (multiple examples on ebay for a lot under US$100). What makes a lens 'macro' is a relatively flat plane of focus (as opposed to the normal 'section of a sphere') - and this one is relatively flat. Also screw drive AF. If you like macro enough to buy more macro lenses, this one is still perfect for photographing flat things (e.g. on a copy stand - where mine now lives).
Also, if you're lusting over a geared tilt-pan, the Benro is really good (and I only paid around $300 for mine *new* - other geared heads are well over $1K).
As usual, hope this helps someone