>>grabbed the agent by the clavicle
If you watch the hearing, you'll see 'clavicles' associated with a gesture over the clavicles - more the way you'd pantomime 'throttle' or 'grab throat' by putting an open hand over your clavicles.
Of course, she got the story second-hand (really third, but the agent was present to verify/deny), so it could have been a misunderstanding around 'lapel'; those go over the clavicles, and a number of the grappling martial arts have moves that involve grasping them about there (not that the orange menace has ever stepped foot in a dojo — although if he’d realized how casual we were about nudity in the locker room…).
I guess we'll find out if the SS agent it happened to (or one of the others actually in the SUV) comes forward to testify under oath.