Google Maps, when you’re not data-connected, is (take your choice) a PITA / useless. PITA because you can download some maps / useless because you either didn’t remember to or there are too many to download.
I rather like CoPilot GPS, which lets me download maps when on WiFi (I’ve even used it in Aus/NZ/Can) and, when I don’t have data connectivity about all I lose is the ability to see traffic conditions on my route. (hint: if you’re far enough in the sticks to not have connectivity, there isn’t enough traffic to matter).
They’ve recently changed it from separate apps for US / ROTW to a worldwide app — but with an annual subscription of $15-ish.
I use a GPS app even when I know my route perfectly, because I want a heads-up on upcoming traffic issues.
CoPilot can do pedestrian/bicycle/car/large truck navigation, but for in-city on-foot transit, Google ‘Maps Go’ is pretty good.