Good thing I like to put cider vinegar in my drinking water. It went from traditional 'switchel' (AKA 'haymaker's punch', AKA 'yankee') which is water, vinegar, sweetener (traditionally molasses but I was using cider syrup because I'm in apple country) to just water and apple cider vinegar when I dropped the sweetener out of that, too.
Trivia: Roman legionnaires typically flavored their drinking water with vinegar. It might have been for health, using vinegar to counter 'bad water, but I think it might just have been to make not-so-great-tasting water taste better.
>> Moreover, we may see a 65 percent rise in Type 1 diabetes in young people.
I'm still quite puzzled as to why T1DM might be on the rise(?) I'd hazard a WAG that inflammation might have something to do with it - and I'd point at changes in the general diet as driving that. But who knows? I did a bit of a dive the last time you mentioned this and found... nothing. Sigh.