FWIW, I live in Acton, MA. Acton used to be part of Concord (grazing land, cultivated fields, woodlots). Many of the ‘minutemen’ who fought the British soldiers who’d come to destroy supplies in Concord were from this side of town (notably the leader of the group who was killed that day). I walk by his plow (in a glass case) when I pay my taxes. There’s a local building that’s been restored into the tavern it was on that day, and a couple of times a year it’s opened and operated by volunteers. Good place to meet / photograph reenactors if you’re into that kind of thing.
I grew up in Natick, which had been a ‘praying Indians’ town (as had this part of Acton). As kids, my brother and I would find arrowheads in our parent’s woodlot. The Natick Indians, who fought on the side of the colonists in King Philip’s War, were shipped to Deer Island where they all died of disease. Post KPW, there were some surviving Indians from Acton (which was then Concord). They sued for their land back, and won, so there’s an area in Acton called ‘Newtown’ where they settled. Winning a suit was a big deal as Native Americans weren’t regarded as fully people by the courts.
So… we’re kind’a soaked in Revolutionary (and pre) history ‘round here. :-)