FWIW, I have a moderate case of this, mostly in the ability to imagine something I haven’t seen before. I suspect some of it is from being myopic/astigmatic to the point of being legally blind and that being caught late.
As a data point, I have no issue recognizing people by face (although, like many people I suck at remembering names). And I don't have a good sense of direction when using a map, but no issue tracking, for instance, which way is front in a room with my eyes closed - or which way to my car when coming back to it.
It hasn't been an issue otherwise. I'm even moderately successful at producing decent images with a camera. What I can't do is visualize how a shot might look several yards over without actually going there.
I was pretty sure this’d look good, but I had to go see it to be sure.
Finally, given neuroplasticity I have to think that some kind of repeated use of visual centers might gradually cause growth there…