From my reading, people with African ancestry have denser bones than Caucasians or Asians.
Then, there's vitamin K2 which is important to maintain bone density, as without it, we have unregulated osteocalcin which is involved both in energy metabolism and bone clast/blast balance. We produce it ourselves from K1 (which comes from chlorophyl containing foods) - but probably not enough.
There's some debate on the different kinds of K2, and which is better for us. I used to think that mK7 was the best because it stayed at measurable levels in the serum for a few hours. I now realize that that was an artifact of how these are parked in chylomicrons (side chains affect how close to the center they are - and cells grab lipids from the chylomicrons from the outside). We make mk4, and that's what's in animal products (grass fed ruminants - both organ meat and milk) and, oddly enough, Jarlsberg cheese.
Bright side: no need to force yourself to eat natto...
Also: there's mk7 in pork. Interesting, as that's produced by bacteria in the large intestine and not absorbed there by the animal. I won't go into the implications to spare pork-lovers. Mmmm love me some barbecued pig.