During one of my stays in NZ I got to hang with some Māori folks for a few days in the Urewera Nat'l Park, then to a funeral in Gisbourne (first got to know 'em as both they and I were motorcyclists). Lovely people, and not at all stand-offish around a Pakeha (me). I remember teasing one of them about maybe looking Italian (I have a bud from Sicily: the Māori sort of do look Sicilian). He gave me about the best rendition of the Godfather (including cat) that I'd ever seen. On a trip a few years later, a different one straightened out my mispronunciation of Māori (it's 'more-ey', in spite of what spell-check wants to do) He told me it had changed. No clue if it changed or if they were simply being nice to me that earlier time - or the second guy was having me on. Bringing this up as you might know...?