Dentists knew about issues with sugar before anyone else. As far as there being general knowledge of the uricase mutation, and what fructose does to us pretty much due to that, yeah, that's a bit too 'science-ey' to hope for. But I would hope that the doctors who diagnose fatty liver might also learn this and warn their patients away from those foods.
As a side note, there is good evidence that eating at least one kind of fat (medium chain triglycerides) can help reduce fatty liver. (not clear that it being esterified into triglyceride matters, but the chylomicrons might be picking it up as-is as opposed to de-re esterification as happens with fat cells. Also, all three MCT FAs are saturated, suggesting that eating more ghee could help NAFLD (no data on that one, though).
As another side note, I've seen some indication that South Asians are more susceptible to NAFLD (fat stored centrally rather than in the limbs), making the standard American diet particularly bad for SA transplants. We have a lot of them here in the US: India, in spite of a low median income has more highly educated people than all of Europe combined - and those are the people we see here. I've never met a Dalit - at least that I know of.