[cross-posting a comment I made elsewhere here on medium earlier today]
One data point:
I just had a conversation with a neighbor whose daughter is studying at Columbia Law. These protests have been going on for *months*; the ones she was involved in had no antisemitic element. She's aware the media has been portraying them as such but says that those protests were against actions of the Israeli government (and the fact that the US was supplying money and weapons). She wasn't part of any building 'occupations' , and for that matter, was at the protests at the law school. I'm not clear whether the law school is on the exact same campus as the undergrad one; it might not be. From her (second hand via her dad) description, it sounded a lot like the anti-Vietnam-war protests I'd been part of in the 60s.
My personal take was that after WWII, a number of veterans (including my dad, particularly after Joe Maccarthy's hearings) had definite opinions that they shared with their kids - and those kids ended up protesting that war. Now we have kids of the Vietnam war generation protesting about this...
My neighbor isn't Jewish, but his daughter grew up in the cohousing community I still live in, which has been 50-60% Jewish - same mix for the kids she grew up with - so I'd *guess* she'd have noticed any antisemitism, any Jewish kids being bullied for their religion.