Cool hack - plan to try it if I ever cut open an avocado and don't eat the whole thing.
Here's a different avocado storage hack I was using in the beginning part of the pandemic (trying to keep grocery store visits spaced as far apart as possible). If you keep an unripe avocado below 50F, it will not start to ripen. This let me buy 6, 8, or even a dozen at a time. I'd put one on the counter, the rest in the fridge, then every three or four days I'd take another avocado out - gave me an avocado getting to perfect ripeness every day or two. :-) :-)
Now I'm back to shopping like normal, so no need.
Sadly, I've discovered that once they're ripe, keeping them cool will not halt the process.
I'm pretty sure this 'keeping them under 50F' is how they are shipped so this is very much not original with me.