I have been right on the edge of BMI 'obese', but, at the time, had so little body fat that I could easily sit on the bottom of a pool with lungs full of air. BMI is for populations, not individuals.
That said, I'm in the middle of Gary Taubes' The Case Against Sugar (well summarized here). He makes a compelling case that the root cause of many of these ‘diseases of Western civilization’ is overconsumption of sugar, either directly, or through multiple channels (eg more fat cells making more IGF, both this and higher glucose driving cancer metabolism). IMO definitely worth a read.
He hasn’t gotten into this (at least so far*), but I find myself wondering about the epigenetic changes coming from our Western diet.
*Am I the only person unable to focus on reading outside of virology, politics, and white privilege these days? It’s like three simultaneous train wrecks I’m trying to drag my eyes away from.