As someone who's fussy about knife sharpness I stick to hardwood end grain blocks. I've used bamboo. It doesn't dull knives as fast as glass, but it isn't good. I've read that that's due to bamboo's high silica content. I use powdered-metal (high nitrogen) blades - good combination of edge holding and ease of sharpening - and do my own sharpening (belt system). You'd think that how fast a blade dulls in my kitchen would be a don't-care, but it's something I notice right away.
That said, I keep a bottle of bleach solution (1Tb to 1gal) under my sink. When I've been cutting chicken on our reserved-for-meat/fish board, I spray the entire area down after cleaning / sanitizing that board.
Also, I've been experimenting with alternatives to mineral oil. Hemp oil (cut 50/50 with orangepeel solvent) does a great job, pretty much lasts forever on presentation / carving boards - but it doesn't stand up to heavy blade use on a edge grain block. It hardens like Tung (but leaves a matte finish). Both are available in food grade. Either is pretty nice on wooden knife bolsters.
As a side note (and speaking of sharpening) I really like the WorkSharp belt system. I can get the same edge I get from an hour on wet stones in maybe 5-10 minutes. Same convex edge either way.