Anyone know what Russia's income from exporting refined petro had been?
I've read that most of the countries that were ignoring the sanctions were buying crude, not refined products - which makes sense if they had their own refineries as refinining it themselves means more money (India) and more jobs (China) remain at home. On the other hand, sanctions hit refined products a bit later, and with a higher price cap than crude.
No matter the 'hit' to external income, Russia needs those refined products both for their war on Ukraine and for internal use, notably agricultural and transport.
BTW, Rosneft still 'owns' refineries outside of Russia. They're under trusteeship, but haven't (yet) been nationalized by the Germans, but that seems imminent. True to form, Russia is unwilling to say "OK, we nationalized billions worth of petro infrastructure - even from companies that had decided to stay - so it's OK to have the same done to us." They are challenging this in *Russian* courts. I expect the end result will be European courts refusing to recognize *any* judicial action from Russian courts. I'll confess to being a bit surprised that this hasn't happened already...