Agreed that they're displaying general ineptitude at combined arms - but the Javelin looks to be designed specifically to counter an infantry screen. That 2000m range plus its 'fire and forget' (meaning the firing crew can bug out immediately on launch) plus the two-stage launch (making it difficult for the opposition to pinpoint the launch site) says (to me, at least) that there'd need to be a screen a mile out on each side, and given that it's launchable by a team of just one or two, it would have to be a slow careful screen.
I'm not military or ex-military (just a lot of history), so I'm probably missing something obvious. Anyone care to set me straight?
BTW/FWIW I'm not at all clear that the Soviets were all that great at combined arms. In WWII, the Americans eventually mounted phone sets on their tanks so infantry commanders immediately outside could speak directly with the tank commander inside - but I've seen nothing that the Sovs followed suit. Again, I could have missed it, wasn't looking for that in particular.