Agreed that the US invasion of Iraq is (and was at the time of invasion) indefensible. Afghanistan made sense, so long as it was for the removal of alQaida. Beyond that, not so much.
It makes sense for Indians to have a different view of geopolitics than other nations, especially those of the global North, particularly given India's long struggle to get free of the British Empire. I'd also expect it to take a dim view of any nation supporting Pakistan, just given the history of the subcontinent, particularly that of partition. It's worth bearing in mind that the US support for Pakistan comes out of the Cold War and can be seen as a reaction to India's alliance with the USSR. As the old saw goes "people have friends; nations have interests". India's interests may or may not align with Europe or the US.
As far as the current world order ending, I don't disagree that the end of globalization is in sight, particularly as the Americans have been moving away from supporting it (at their own expense, BTW) since the collapse of the USSR, and the end of any need to 'bribe' nations to stay out of the Soviet orbit. The best evidence is the shift in the US navy from many medium sized vessels capable of providing blue water trade overwatch to carrier groups more focused on power projection. Moving critical manufacturing steps to the Americas, where any waterborne transport is more easily protected, shows a similar change.
I'd be delighted if the worst thing to come out of this change is ‘whining’; I'm expecting much worse, particularly as agricultural ‘inputs’ become more expensive and farmland that had been marginal goes back to being just that. And that’s assuming that nations in demographic collapse (e.g. Russia, China) don’t decide to all go out with a bang.