Agreed. but Euro appliances are already quite efficient (for some years my BIL ran the lab that came up with the consumption numbers that are on appliance yellow tags).
Have you been to Europe? It's not like here where we just raze buildings and build anew (excepting maybe Caen where Montgomery razed everything). I think about all they might be able to do is better weather sealing and maybe upgrade windows (although a typical modern Euro window is more efficient than the typical ones here). They've had high energy costs since, well, forever - so people splash for the more efficient model when replacing windows or appliances.
In Normandy many people have kitchen exhaust windows that fit into a circle cut in window glass. I'd thought that that was because it was so difficult adding an exhaust duct. Just the first example I can think of.
I was struck by all the windows with working shutters. I imagine extra insulation on the insides of those might help as well.