52 miles is rather limiting.
That said, range is a problem for pretty much all camber-thrust-steering (two wheeled) vehicles. The top speed limit puts it under the range where energy requirements start to cube as the speed doubles (unfaired bikes have absurdly bad aero drag - worse than simply pushing a barn door through the air).
Then there's the matter of motor placement. A motor in the front wheel gets better regenerative braking (weight transfer to the front wheel) but I can tell you that a front wheel drive bike is beyond spooky, (I got a chance to ride one of the DOT experimental FWD bikes - infamous as the "backwards bike" - in the mid 70s on a closed course.)
We're going to have to wait for better battery technology - or maybe hydrogen - for a bike that's equivalent to the current ICE ones.
Bicycles are a different story. They're not expected (normally) to go all that far. A battery / motor just expands the range and speed (at the expense of increased weight). Aero drag doesn't come into it.
Also, as a motorcyclist who rode through a number of New England winters, I can tell you that, besides the issue of staying warm and keeping helmet visor unfogged, ice on the road is a recipe for falling down (OK if you're going straight where wheel gyroscopic force hepls keep you up - but corners not so much.)
Just my $0.02