+1 on backing everything up in multiple places.
If you’re on Android, check out FolderSync, which lets you keep folders on your device to any of a dozen services — including your own network attached storage.
Also check out Photos2Wallpaper that lets you point at one (or many) folders of photos and periodically swap one of the photos in there for your wallpaper.
Androids tend to do best with square wallpaper (1x1 aspect ratio). I went through my photo archive, picked out a few dozen that’d crop nicely to 1x1, exported ’em to a folder on my NAS. Folder sync puts ’em in the folder p2w is drawing from, so it’s easy/automated to get faves onto my wallpaper. I find I’m looking at those a lot more than anything I’ve printed (and I’ve printed plenty).
Back to backups. If you’re using a Synology NAS, it has the capability to synchronize with AWS Glacier, which, IMO is absurdly cheap for static-ish cloud storage. I use both Google Photos and Prime Photos, but for Glacier, I just backup my raw files plus the ‘development’ files so, if there was a disaster, I could re-export everything. Booth GP and PP are useful for exported photos (JPGs and TIFFs) if I’m away from my archive and I want to show someone a shot I took, say, a couple of years ago.
[edit] Thought after going on about square wallpapers for Android, maybe I’d ought to share one. This is from a stretch of road that got replaced when a new bridge went in [/edit]